Not only does a traumatic brain injury (TBI) forever change the life of the victim, it also causes serious damage to the health and lives of the victim’s family. The TBI victim is not the same person which causes profound stress to the care giving family. The stress is constant and there is usually no
traumatic brain injury
What is Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy?
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive degenerative disease which afflicts the brain of people who have suffered repeated concussions and traumatic brain injuries, such as athletes who take part in contact sports, members of the military and others.
The brain of an individual who suffers from CTE gradually deteriorates and will over time end…
ATV Safety: Size Matters
The popularity of ATVs has grown tremendously over the years, reaching 9.5 million vehicles in 2007. Accordingly, the rate of traumatic brain and spinal injuries resulting from ATV accidents has also risen, especially in children. Between 1982 and 2007, nearly 9000 riders died in ATV accidents and approximately 40% of them were children under age…
NHL Revamps its Concussion Protocol
Following a recent threat by Air Canada to pull its sponsorship dollars, the NHL announced a revision of the NHL Protocol for Concussion Evaluation and Management. The Protocol now requires:
- Mandatory removal from play if a player reports any listed symptoms or shows any listed signs of a concussion;
- Examination by the team physician in
Preventing Second Impact Syndrome in High School Athletes
“Second Impact Syndrome” refers to mild brain injuries suffered repeatedly within a short period (hours, days, or weeks). Although all brain injuries are serious, second impacts can be catastrophic or even fatal. The American Academy of Neurology has developed guidelines for deciding when it is safe to return to play after a first injury. …
Coup Contrecoup Brain Injuries
An impact on one side of the head can cause the pudding-like substance of the brain to hit the inside of the skull and then bounce back and hit the inside of the skull on the opposite side of the head. When the brain suffers two injuries from one impact, it is called a…