PG&E has asked the bankruptcy judge to approve an employee bonus program that rewards employees more for boosting PG&E’s bottom line that for making the electrical safe. We object.
PG&E Bankruptcy
PG&E Dodges and Weaves During Questioning in Bankruptcy Proceeding
This week PG&E appeared in bankruptcy court to answer questions under oath put to it by wildfire survivors and other creditors. PG&E and its lawyers resisted answering some questions and, in one instance, outright refused to do so even after being directed to answer by the United States Bankruptcy Trustee. (So much for PG&E’s commitment…
PG&E Buckles On Bonuses
PG&E asked the bankruptcy judge to approve bonuses to its employees totaling $130 million. We objected, arguing that “every dollar PG&E pays out to its executives in bonuses is a dollar the victims who were burned out by those executives don’t get.”
While sympathetic to our argument, the bankruptcy judge ruled that, under the…
PG&E To Pay Its Bankruptcy Lawyers Staggering Sums
When it filed bankruptcy, PG&E committed to pay its army of bankruptcy lawyers on a monthly basis many millions of dollars in fees. Some of that money might better be directed to PG&E victims who have been homeless for years now, especially since PG&E swears in court that it filed it bankruptcy to serve the…
PG&E’s Pledge to Compensate Fire Victims Not to be Trusted
PG&E told he bankruptcy judge today that its goal in bankruptcy is to establish a fund against which wildfire victims can make a claim. Our Northern California Wildfire Lawyers explained why PG&E is not to be trusted.
Dario DeGhetaldi, Amanda Riddle, and Mike Danko explain why PG&E should be viewed with…