Four out of five ads in medical journals targeting doctors fail to follow FDA guidelines.  Over half fail to quantify the risks. Dr. Deborah Korenstein, lead author of  a recent study and Associate Professor of Medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine states:

Marketing research has consistently shown that journal advertising is the most profitable form of

The Food and Drug Administration approved Yaz and Yasmin based on research that Bayer provided saying that the drugs were safe. We’ve been saying all along that the research was suspect and that, in fact, the drug is more risky than other birth control pills with no added benefits. The danger, we said, was the

The trendy Yaz and Yasmin birth control pills are unlike any others because they contain a new synthetic hormone, drospirenone. Bayer has aggressively marketed the drugs, especially to young Yazwomen, as a cure for everything from acne to pre-menstrual syndrome. Unfortunately, Bayer did not adequately test the drug before bringing it to market, and