Scientists have found the stem cells that produce all the different cells of the skin. The discovery offers a promising development for wound repair or skin transplants. Stem cells are original cells that have the potential to regenerate tissue over a lifetime. The skin has three different types of cells — hair follicles, inter follicular epidermis, and moisturizing
Proving PTSD with MEG Imaging Studies of the Brain
A recent study shows for the first time that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be objectively diagnosed using magnetoencephalography (MEG), a non-invasive measurement of magnetic fields in the brain. Researchers at the University of Minnesota and Minneapolis VA Medical Center published a study this month in the Journal of Neural Engineering identifying a biological…
Medical Bills and Documents: What Does the Victim Need to Keep?
“medical expenses” “medical bills” “in-kind benefits”…
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What Damages May a Victim Seek for an Injury?
When a jury finds that a wrongdoer is responsible for the victim’s injury, then the Judge will ask the jury to decide how much money will compensate the victim for his injuries. The law refers to the compensation award as “damages” and has divided them into two categories: economic and non-economic.
Economic injuries/damages include:
· Past medical expenses —…
Who is Entitled to Compensation for Injury to a Family Member?
The spouse of a victim who has been physically injured may be entitled to compensation from whoever caused the injury. The spouse may be compensated for the following losses of family relationship also known as "loss of consortium":
- love,
- companionship,
- comfort,
- care,
- assistance,
- protection,
- affection,
- society,
- moral support,
- enjoyment of sexual relations
- or the
Can Traumatic Brain Injury Victims Develop PTSD?
One would assume that if a TBI victim cannot remember the injury producing event, he cannot suffer flashbacks or nightmares re-experiencing the event. Right? Wrong.
Indeed, a diagnosis of a TBI generally requires a loss of consciousness. But the victim’s loss of consciousnesss does not shield him from post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. Apparently…
Accident Victims and PTSD
Even after the physical injuries have healed, an accident victim may still suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). She may continue to experience flashbacks, nightmares, or daydreams in which the traumatic event is replayed again and again. The person may also suffer an abnormally intense “startle response” – like a rush of…
Risk of Seizures Following Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
Most TBI victims suffer from seizures and so need anti-seizure drugs. The drugs don’t eliminate the seizures, they attempt only to control them. Even if the TBI victim takes the drugs exactly as prescribed, the victim may still experience "breakthrough seizures." The seizures can lead to embarassment, social stigma and most troubling, a blackout while…
Diffuse Tensor Imaging — More on Brain Injuries
Neuropsychologist researcher and professor Erin Bigler, PhD. recently spoke about the advances in images of post-concussion brains. As discussed here, concussions or mild traumatic brain injuries may not show up on standard MRI or CT images. Dr. Bigler described a new technique for analyzing MRI scans called "diffusion tensor imaging" or DTI. This technique illustrates the direction of…
Jury Awards $2 Million to Golfer’s Family
This week a San Diego jury found a golf course responsible for the death of a golfer who was killed after falling off an 80 foot cliff in a golf cart and awarded his family $2 million. The golfer Edwin Payne tried to make a U-turn on the golf path but drove over a small…