Not only does a traumatic brain injury (TBI) forever change the life of the victim, it also causes serious damage to the health and lives of the victim’s family. The TBI victim is not the same person which causes profound stress to the care giving family. The stress is constant and there is usually no
What is Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy?
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive degenerative disease which afflicts the brain of people who have suffered repeated concussions and traumatic brain injuries, such as athletes who take part in contact sports, members of the military and others.
The brain of an individual who suffers from CTE gradually deteriorates and will over time end…
Brain Fiber Tracking in HD
Brain imaging technology advances at a rapid pace. A new process, called "high definitiion fiber tracking," reveals areas of brain injury with more exactness than standard scans such as CT & MRI and even the newer DTI method.
Millions of Americans suffer a traumatic brain injury, or TBI, each year. Most TBIs are concussions or…
On-Line Course Teaches High School Coaches About Concussions
A study published in the September 2010 issue of Pediatrics reports the number of sports-related concussions is highest in high school-aged athletes, but the number in younger athletes is significant and rising. Visits to emergency departments for minor traumatic brain injuries occurring during organized team sports have increased dramatically over a 10-year period, and …
Five Things People Get Wrong About Tramautic Brain Injuries
1. "You couldn’t have suffered a brain injury if you didn’t lose consciousness."
Not so. A brain injury results from any traumatically induced disruption in brain function. The victim needn’t have "blacked out" to have suffered a brain injury. A disruption of brain function may be evidenced by the victim’s inability to recall …
Can Traumatic Brain Injury Victims Develop PTSD?
One would assume that if a TBI victim cannot remember the injury producing event, he cannot suffer flashbacks or nightmares re-experiencing the event. Right? Wrong.
Indeed, a diagnosis of a TBI generally requires a loss of consciousness. But the victim’s loss of consciousnesss does not shield him from post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. Apparently…
Diffuse Tensor Imaging — More on Brain Injuries
Neuropsychologist researcher and professor Erin Bigler, PhD. recently spoke about the advances in images of post-concussion brains. As discussed here, concussions or mild traumatic brain injuries may not show up on standard MRI or CT images. Dr. Bigler described a new technique for analyzing MRI scans called "diffusion tensor imaging" or DTI. This technique illustrates the direction of…