Without a judge to preside over their claims, the San Bruno fire victims’ lawsuits have, up until now, been in limbo. That will soon change, as Judge Steven Dylina has just been assigned to hear all the suits arising from the PG&E fire, wherever those suits may have been filed. The first hearing in the cases should be scheduled within the next two weeks. The order assigning Judge Dylina is here.
Meanwhile, the California Public Utilities Commision continues to investigate PG&E’s management and maintenance practices. But PG&E is already crying foul. According to Steve Johnson’s latest article in the San Jose Mercury News, PG&E objects to the CPUC’s "tone":
In a testy response to the commission’s order that by Monday it answer questions about its record-keeping practices, PG&E’s attorneys said the agency seems to be starting "with a presumption of guilt" that is "contrary to American precepts of due process."
It’s a bit ironic to hear PG&E complain that it has not been afforded "due process," given that its victims have been waiting for months for their chance to be heard at all.