Darvon and Darvocet are names for a drug that has been prescribed for many years to manage pain. In 2009, its generic version alone — Propoxyphene — was prescribed more than 17 million times.
In November, the FDA determined that the drug can cause serious cardiac problems, including arrhythmias and heart attacks, and recommended that the drug be recalled.
The drug manufacturer didn’t warn consumers about the drug’s risk to the heart. As a result, many people who have suffered heart troubles while on Darvon never linked their problems to the drug.
Fortunately, if a patient stopped taking the drug before he developed cardiac issues, he doesn’t need to worry. But those who have experienced symptoms while taking Darvon, or lost a family member – however long ago — may want to get more information.
Propoxyphene-containing drugs were sold by various names, including:
- Darvon
- Darvocet
- Dolene
- Propacet 100
- Wygesic
- SK-65
- SK-65 APAP
- Trycet
- Genagesic
- E-Lor
More information at Girard Gibbs’ Darvon/Darvocet Lawyers website.