Gallbladder disease includes inflammation and infection (cholecystitis), stones (chollithiasis) or other obstructions or narrowing of the ducts. It appears that Yaz increases the cholesterol level in a woman’s bile while, at the same time, decreasing gallbladder movement. That leads to gallstones which can block and damage ducts, requiring that the gallbladder be removed.
Some women function well without a gallbladder. But in about 40% percent of the cases, the women will suffer pain or discomfort for months or even years after the surgery. In one out of five cases, the common bile duct will be damaged during the surgery, leading to fever, jaundice, and chronic pain in the shoulders and abdomen. Further surgery may be needed to correct the complications. Even when a second surgery is not required, many patients who have had their gallbladder removed find that they must permanently change their diets after the surgery because without a gall bladder they are unable to digest the foods they used to eat.
The symptoms of gallbladder disease include pain under the lower breastbone, eventually progressing to under the right breast and then onto the back or between the shoulder blades. Other symptoms include fever, heartburn, nausea and vomiting. The symptoms are typically recurrent.